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Sweep Out the Chambers
By Amida Harvey (words Mahmud Shabistari)
This song was written by a wonderful family friend and my neighbour here in Devon, Amida Harvey. Amida has known me since I was a baby! He created this song back in 1986 (the year before my birth!) for Dances of Universal Peace, so this song also has a beautiful dance that goes with it.
Go sweep out the chambers of your heart
Make it ready, make it ready
To be the dwelling of the beloved
When you depart love will enter
In you, void of yourself
God will display her/his beauty
The words of this song are by the Persian Sufi poet Mahmud Shabistari, from his 1000-line Sufi poem Gulshan-i raz (Garden of Mystery), which he composed in December 1317.
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